Gazette Notifications


Amendment notification under Maharashtra Shops and Establishment (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2017

The Government of Maharashtra Vide No. MSA-07/2022/CR-134/Labour-10, has issued Amendment notification under Maharashtra Shops and Establishment (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2017. Please refer notification for more details.


The Government of Kerala Vide S. R. O. No. 1083/2024, has released Notification regarding provide Maternity benefits to all female members registered under various Boards through any web based application using Aadhaar. Please refer notification for more details

Concept of Employees’ Provident Fund

EPF is a welfare scheme brought into force to secure a better future for employees. It is a statutory benefit available to the employees post retirement or when they leave the services. In case of deceased employees, their dependents will be entitled for the benefits. Under the Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme (EPF Scheme) both employers and employees have to make their contributions towards the Fund. Interest earned on the amount is credited to the member’s Provident Fund Account (PF account) and is available to the employee at the time of retirement or exit from employment as the case may be, provided certain conditions are fulfilled.

Types of schemes under the Act

  1. Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme, 1952: Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme was set up under the Act for the purpose of providing a post retirement benefit for the employees or a class of employees or their legal heirs in case of death, employed under an establishment to which this Act applies.

  2. Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995: Employees’ Pension Scheme was framed under the Act for the purpose of providing the superannuation pension, retiring pension or permanent total disablement pension to the employees of any establishment or class of establishments to whom this Act applies; and widow or widower’s pension, children pension or orphan pension payable to the beneficiaries of such employees.

  3. Employees’ Deposit-linked Insurance Scheme, 1976: Employees’ Deposit-linked Insurance Scheme (EDLI Scheme) was framed under the Act for the purpose of providing insurance benefits to the employees of an establishment or a class of establishments to whom this Act applies in case of death while in service

For more details on PF, please click on below button:- 

Professional Tax

If you ever take a look at your payslips you will notice that there is a small deduction mentioned along with all the HRA, conveyance and basic salary break ups. This deduction is generally to the tune of INR 200 or so and is called the professional tax. This tax is generally different for each state and in certain place you may notice that there is no deduction made under this heading.

What is Professional Tax?

The respective state governments in India levy the professional tax on income from profession or employment. The professionals earning an income from salary or other practices such as a lawyer, teacher, doctor, chartered accountant, etc. are required to pay professional tax. In case of salaried and wage earners, the professional tax is liable to be deducted by the employer from the salary/wages and the same is to be deposited to the state government. In case of other class of individuals, this tax is liable to be paid by the employee himself. The tax calculation and amount collected may vary from one state to another, but it has a maximum limit of INR 2500/- per year.

Professional Tax Registration and Returns

Professional Tax Registration is mandatory within 30 days of employing staff in a business or, in the case of professionals, 30 days from the start of the practice. Professional tax needs to be deducted from the salary or wages paid amount. Application for the Registration Certificate should be made to the assesse's state tax department within 30 days of employing staff for his business. If the assesse's has more than one place of work, then application should be made separately to each authority with respect to the place of work under the jurisdiction of that authority.

If an employer has employed more than 20 employees, he is required to make the payment within 15 days from the end of the month. However, if an employer has less than 20 employees, he is required to pay quarterly (i.e. by the 15th of next month from the end of the quarter).

Labour Welfare Fund

Labour welfare fund is a statutory contribution managed by individual state authorities. The state labour welfare board determines the amount and frequency of the contribution. The contribution and periodicity of remittance differs with every state. In some states the periodicity is annual (Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu etc) and in some states it is to be contributed during the month of June & December (Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra etc).

What is Labour Welfare Fund?

Labour welfare is an aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need. It provides facilities to labourers in order to improve their working conditions, provide social security, and raise their standard of living.

To justify the above statement, various state legislatures have enacted an Act exclusively focusing on welfare of the workers, known as the Labour Welfare Fund Act. The Labour Welfare Fund Act incorporates various services, benefits and facilities offered to the employee by the employer. Such facilities are offered by the means of contribution from the employer and the employee. However, the rate of contribution may differ from one state to another.

Scope of Labour Welfare Fund Act

The scope of this Act is extended to housing, family care & worker's health service by providing medical examination, clinic for general treatment, infant welfare, women’s general education, workers activity facilities, marriage, education, funeral etc. State specific Labour Welfare Funds are funded by contributions from the employer, employee and in few states, the government also.

Applicability of the Act

In order to provide social security to workers, the government has introduced the Labour Welfare Fund Act. This act has been implemented only in 16 states out of 37 states including union territories.

The below table depicts the states in which the Act has been implemented and not implemented:

Applicable States

Andhra PradeshChandigarhChhattisgarhDelhiGoaGujaratHaryanaKarnatakaKeralaMadhya PradeshMaharashtraOdishaPunjabTamil NaduTelanganaWest Bengal

Not Applicable States

Central, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir , Jharkhand , Ladakh , Lakshadweep , Manipur , Meghalaya , Mizoram , Nagaland , Puducherry , Rajasthan , Sikkim , Tripura , Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand

The Labour Welfare Fund Act is not applicable to all category of employees working in the establishment. It depends upon the wages earned and designation of the employee. Also, one needs to check the total number of employees working before extending this Act to their establishment. The applicability of the Act based on the number of employees may differ depending upon state specific Act.

Labour Welfare Fund Expenditure

In general the money in the Fund may be utilized by the Board to defray expenditure on the following:

  • Educational facilities for the children of the workers.

  • Medical facilities for both private and public-sector employers to facilitate medical facilities for their workers and their families.

  • Transport facilities to the workers for commuting to work.

  • Recreational facilities in form of music, dance, drama, games, sports, paintings, etc. are usually offered to the employees to build a wholesome working environment.

  • Housing facilities under this scheme offer loans to industrial workers for constructing houses at concessional rates.

  • Excursions, tours and holiday homes.

  • Home industries and subsidiary occupations for women and unemployed persons.

  • Reading rooms and libraries.

  • Vocational training.

  • Nutritious food to children of employees


The promulgation of Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948(ESI Act), by the Parliament was the first major legislation on social Security for workers in independent India. It was a time when the industry was still in a nascent stage and the country was heavily dependent on an assortment of imported goods from the developed or fast developing countries. The deployment of manpower in manufacturing processes was limited to a few select industries such as jute, textile, chemicals etc. The legislation on creation and development of a fool proof multi-dimensional Social Security system, when the country's economy was in a very fledgling state was obviously a remarkable gesture towards the socio economic amelioration of a workface though limited in number and geographic distribution. India, notwithstanding, thus, took the lead in providing organized social protection to the working class through statutory provisions.

The ESI Act 1948, encompasses certain health related eventualities that the workers are generally exposed to; such as sickness, maternity, temporary or permanent disablement, Occupational disease or death due to employment injury, resulting in loss of wages or earning capacity-total or partial. Social security provision made in the Act to counterbalance or negate the resulting physical or financial distress in such contingencies, are thus, aimed at upholding human dignity in times of crises through protection from deprivation, destitution and social degradation while enabling the society the retention and continuity of a socially useful and productive manpower.


The section 46 of the Act envisages following six social security benefits :-

(a) Medical Benefit : Full medical care is provided to an Insured person and his family members from the day he enters insurable employment. There is no ceiling on expenditure on the treatment of an Insured Person or his family member. Medical care is also provided to retired and permanently disabled insured persons and their spouses on payment of a token annual premium of Rs.120/- .

  1. System of Treatment

  2. Scale of Medical Benefit

  3. Benefits to Retired IPs

  4. Administration of Medical Benefit in a State

  5. Specialist consultation

  6. In-Patient treatment

  7. Imaging Services

  8. Artificial Limbs & Aids

  9. Special Provisions

  10. Reimbursement

(b) Sickness Benefit(SB) : Sickness Benefit in the form of cash compensation at the rate of 70 per cent of wages is payable to insured workers during the periods of certified sickness for a maximum of 91 days in a year. In order to qualify for sickness benefit the Insured Person is required to contribute for 78 days in a contribution period of 6 months.

1. Extended Sickness Benefit(ESB) : SB extendable upto two years in the case of 34 malignant and long-term diseases at an enhanced rate of 80 per cent of wages.

2. Enhanced Sickness Benefit : Enhanced Sickness Benefit equal to full wage is payable to insured persons undergoing sterilization for family planning upto 7 days/14 days for Vasectomy and Tubectomy respectively.

(c) Maternity Benefit (MB) : Maternity Benefit for confinement/pregnancy is payable for Twenty Six (26) weeks, which is extendable by further one month on medical advice at the rate of full wage subject to contribution for 70 days in the preceding Two Contribution Periods.

(d) Disablement Benefit

  1. Temporary disablement benefit (TDB) : From day one of entering insurable employment & irrespective of having paid any contribution in case of employment injury. Temporary Disablement Benefit at the rate of 90% of wage is payable so long as disability continues.

  2. Permanent disablement benefit (PDB) : The benefit is paid at the rate of 90% of wage in the form of monthly payment depending upon the extent of loss of earning capacity as certified by a Medical Board

(e) Dependants Benefit(DB) : DB paid at the rate of 90% of wage in the form of monthly payment to the dependants of a deceased Insured person in cases where death occurs due to employment injury or occupational hazards.

(f) Other Benefits :

  1. Funeral Expenses : An amount of Rs.15,000/- is payable to the dependents or to the person who performs last rites from day one of entering insurable employment.

  2. Confinement Expenses : An Insured Women or an respect of his wife in case confinement occurs at a place where necessary medical facilities under ESI Scheme are not available.

In addition, the scheme also provides some other need based benefits to insured workers.

  1. Vocational Rehabilitation :To permanently disabled Insured Person for undergoing VR Training at VRS.

  2. Physical Rehabilitation : In case of physical disablement due to employment injury.

Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana :

This scheme of Unemployment allowance was introduced w.e.f. 01-04-2005. An Insured Person who become unemployed after being insured two or more years, due to closure of factory/establishment, retrenchment or permanent invalidity not less than 40% arising out of non-employment injury are entitled to :-

  • Unemployment Allowance equal to 50% of wage for a maximum period of upto Two Years during the life time.

  • Medical care for self and family from ESI Hospitals/Dispensaries during the period IP receives unemployment allowance.

  • Vocational Training provided for upgrading skills - Expenditure on fee/travelling allowance borne by ESIC.

Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana (ABVKY) :

This scheme is a welfare measure for employees covered under Section 2(9) of ESI Act, 1948, in the form of relief payment upto 90 days, once in a lifetime. The Scheme was introduced w.e.f. 01-07-2018 on pilot basis for a period of two years initially. It has also been decided to enhance the rate of unemployment relief under the scheme to 50% of wages from earlier rate of 25% along with relaxation in eligibility conditions, provided the Insured Person should have been in insurable employment for a minimum period of one year immediately before her/his unemployment and should have contributed for not less than 78 days in the completed contribution period in 12 months immediately prior to unemployment. In a significant relaxation, relief shall become due for payment after 30 days from date of unemployment and claim can be submitted directly to the designated ESIC Branch Office / DCBO by the worker. Claims to get the relief can be made online at website along with submission of the physical claim with an affidavit, photocopy of Aadhaar Card and Bank Account details to the designated ESIC Branch Office / DCBO by post or in person.

Incentive to employers in the Private Sector for providing regular employment to the persons with disability :

  • Minimum wage limit for Physically Disabled Persons for availing ESIC Benefits is 25,000/-.

  • Employerss' contribution is paid by the Central Government for 3 years.

Benefits & Contributory Conditions :

An interesting feature of the ESI Scheme is that the contributions are related to the paying capacity as a fixed percentage of the workers wages, whereas, they are provided social security benefits according to individual needs without distinction.
Cash Benefits are disbursed by the Corporation through its Branch Offices (BOs) / Pay Offices (POs), subject to certain contributory conditions.