Empower Your Team with Hero Services

Elevate employee engagement with our comprehensive suite of services for a happier workplace.

Foster a Thriving Workplace Culture

RuBal HRMS is committed to creating an engaging and fulfilling work environment. Our platform is designed to connect employees, recognize achievements, and empower your workforce.

Key Features:

  • Rewards and Recognition: Celebrate employee successes with personalized rewards and public recognition. Foster a positive and competitive culture.

  • Mood Surveys: Gauge employee sentiment and identify areas for improvement. Take action based on real-time feedback.

  • Surveys: Gather employee insights on various topics, such as company culture, leadership, and employee satisfaction.

  • Raise Your Voice: Provide a platform for employees to share ideas, suggestions, and concerns anonymously or openly.

  • Salary Helpline: Offer employees access to confidential salary-related information and support.

  • To-Do List: Empower employees to manage tasks and deadlines efficiently, increasing productivity and organization.

  • Peer Birthdays and Work Anniversaries: Celebrate employee milestones and foster a sense of community.

  • Recent Events: Keep employees informed about company events, news, and updates.

  • Important Contact List: Provide easy access to essential contact information for employees.

  • Important Websites: Share relevant external resources and links with employees.


  • Enhanced Employee Satisfaction: Create a positive and supportive work environment.

  • Improved Communication: Foster open and transparent communication channels.

  • Increased Employee Engagement: Boost morale and motivation through recognition and rewards.

  • Better Decision Making: Gather valuable employee feedback to inform strategic decisions.

Ignite Your Workforce

RuBal HRMS is your partner in building a thriving workplace culture. By leveraging our employee engagement features, you can create a positive and productive work environment where employees feel valued and supported.

Contact Information

Get in touch with us for any inquiries or feedback regarding our rewards and recognition services. We are here to assist you.



